Globally, this number seven year indicates continuation of new order conflicting with the old guard as we work on solving social and economic issues that have been in the forefront for several years. As we delve deeper searching for answers, reclusive and concealed information may surface. This could lead to uncovering some secrets or dealing with privacy issues. All these issues could mean some volatility, which is why it will be helpful to stay centered in the assurance that we choose how we respond. We tend to desire control of everything and have it our way, but it doesn’t always happen that way, which is frustrating. The challenge we have set for ourself is to face all situations courageously, with Love being the dominate motivation. Infuse your response with energy, intelligence, sincerity and most of all love to truly help. If each of us appreciates this very moment, and every moment in this way, then we can change the world!

We can make the world a better place through mutual respect, goodwill and consideration!
Spiritual numerology is the study of the qualities and vibrations of numbers. It is rooted in the Laws of Nature and can be used to help us better understand cyclic patterns and energies. This in turn can help us flow within those life cycles and energies successfully, responding to conditions harmoniously! To determine this year’s spiritual vibration we simply add up the numbers:
Seven is considered a mystical number that connects heaven and earth (Spirit and human), therefore it can be spiritually dynamic for us as individuals. Throughout time the number seven has meant heavenly rest. We can be proactive with this energy by consciously directing attention to our spiritual life. This year’s energy is conducive for turning inward, questing for Wisdom, Listening, and then acting with Compassion.

Though we are still in a building or constructive period, this year it is time for calm, quiet introspection in order to elevate our consciousness. During this period we should also be aware and considerate of others to avoid misunderstandings. Gratitude for what we have learned and accomplished thus far because of challenges will go a long way to opening our hearts and minds. We are to look back with appreciation for lessons learned, be compassionate in the present, and organize for the future. Compassion is acting motivated by love, caring for others with enthusiasm, wisdom and sincerity as you would want for yourself in this very moment and moments to come. Now is the pretext of what is to come!

This year may feel like things are stalling, especially after last year’s blur of activity, but do not let this deter you. Persevere. It’s a time for finishing up what was started earlier and getting it together for progress in the long run.
Appreciating the Moment and other downloads available for your journey.