We are beginning a new 9 year cycle according to numerology, so it’s a time to begin again!
A #1 year has the energy of the masculine I am.

It’s time to be courageous and motivated to put our positive aspirations into physical action without fear of opposition. 

You are laying the foundation for the upcoming 9 year cycle. If you resist opportunities and delay this year it may difficult to expand and succeed in the coming 9 year cycle.

#1 reiterates that this is the year to face the past and utilize the lessons we have learned over the last past 9 years so we might start anew. 

We have an opening to face negative, subconscious aspects of ourselves in order to clear emotional and mental blocks that may have caused us to delay our endeavors and be on the defense. We can trace memories back to their origin to clear things up and use what we’ve learned to harmonize ourselves. 

Otherwise negative traces may resurface all over again. Or manifest as passive traits like procrastination, stubbornness or indifference.
A #1 year magnifies our masculine energies, Yang energies, so there is an opportunity to develop strength, self-control, self-reliance and courage. And, in that development we might also become Self-conscious in order to help us harmonize ourselves, to find a sense of peace and purpose.

Channel your thoughts to concentrate, which can help you take control over your subconscious and utilize that fertile ground. As you fix your attention, your consciousness can be an open channel between your subconscious and Superconsciousness, growing your mental and emotional strength to stand strong and awakened to your own Individuality.
Esoterically #1 represents the origin from where we started. Our Father. One is unity – the Self-conscious realization of I am. Let us all remember that at the core of our heart is great Love and compassion.